With most Asia Pacific economies forced into various states of lockdown to minimize COVID-19 infections, Network Operator Group (NOG) meetings and other technical events in the region have either been cancelled or postponed.
NOGs are really important. They’re a great forum for network engineers to share experience with their peers, work out solutions to common technical problems, and build the strong relationships that help the Internet operate. There are 22 NOGs in the APNIC region – wow! – but sadly that means a lot of events have been cancelled in 2020.
At APNIC, we love NOGs and always want to support them.
Networking from Home is a new virtual event initiative to provide a place for technical folk in the region to share their experience and expertise with their peers, just like they would at a NOG event. There will be four free online events – one each held in the time zones of South East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and Oceania – and they will be a digestible 2.5 hours long.
Presentations will be short and punchy and interaction is encouraged! APNIC’s Geoff Huston will deliver a different keynote at each event, and he’ll be supported by a range of great speakers suggested by the NOG communities.
It’s an exciting project, and hopefully one that helps make a difference in the NOG community while things slowly return to normal. And if by the end of the schedule of events we are all starting to work from our offices around the region again, even better!
If you have a great presentation in mind, get in touch with the Program Committees for the events – submissions are welcome. Everyone is welcome to join any or all of the events as an attendee.
If you have any questions, check out the FAQ page or contact the team at APNIC.
We hope to see you online soon!